Water Department
Reading of water meters is done every three months for billing purposes. Meters are read most of the months that we don't bill just to look for any potential high usages that could indicate an issue. When our system alerts us of an unusual high usage, we try to contact the homeowners so please make sure to keep your contact information up to date with us.
NOTICE: Anyone leaving for the winter months we strongly encourage you have your main water shut off by the Town of Louisville. The cost of this service is $20.00 per turn off/on.
Help us save paper and postage!!! - Sign up for Water E-billing today!!!
Would you like to receive your water bill right to your email inbox instead of your mailbox? Please fill out the form below and drop off or mail to our office. This does not affect how you choose to pay your water bill.
Larry Legault - (315) 250-6891
John Beattie - (315) 250-6529
Lisa Lincoln
Water Billing Clerk
(315) 764-7473
Email: water@louisvillenewyork.com
Monday-Thursday - 8 AM - 3 PM
Friday - 9 AM - 3 PM
Pay with cash, check or debit/credit cards.
Please note there is a processing fee for debit/credit cards.
Dropbox is also available to the left of the front door at the town office for your convenience.